08 March, 2014

Ukumbi Light to Empowerment

Ukumbi community house stands in Kihonda in Morogoro and is waiting for popular celebrations like weddings, birthdays, confirmations, baptisms, retirement, anniversaries, graduations, non-church related seminars and meetings. Women and children are waiting for help and support for rehabilitation, new start for training and education, acquiring skills and working experiences, for physical and mental activities and sports. But how can you read and be empowered by new skills, talents and opportunities if there exists no light. The plan for Ukumbi Lighting provides an opportunity for Women Empowerment, Health, and Education. Abused girls need a safe place where they are cared by warm-hearted women. This place is Kimbilio Jamaa.

the link to a short presentation of Kimbilio Solar-powered Electrification